This is to provide you with some tips and reminders about your upcoming move.
1) Much of Champaign and Urbana moves at this time. It is wise to have either a moving company or, if you are moving yourself, a truck or van reserved by June first. In the past tenants put this off and there simply were none to be had by moving time.
2) The most common deduct from security deposits is for cleaning. When scheduling your moving vehicle leave yourself enough time for cleaning. See the separate guide for cleaning on this site.
3) Remember to change your address with the U.S. postal service. You can do this at the post office or on line at
4) If you routinely purchase items online and have them delivered you should check with the companies you use (such as AMAZON) to change your address. We often get packages delivered, months after a tenant moves, to the old address because the tenant forgot to make these online changes.
5) If you have a newspaper(s) or other such items delivered to your current address do not forget to cancel the subscription or have it changed.
6) Remember your lease requires you to keep the utilities on until the end of your lease. DO NOT turn off the power and water until that time.
Otherwise if we have to turn them back on between you leaving and the new tenant coming the charges will go against your security deposit.
7) Remember if you leave excess items (garbage) next to the trash when you leave you will have the extra hauling fees charged against your security deposit. Starting to sort in June and disposing of “stuff” each week from June on will save you these charges.
DO NOT leave items on the parkway with “free” signs on it when you move. This should be done a month prior to your move if you have such plans. Items left in the parkway will be hauled off and the cost charged against your security deposit.
8) If you have furniture you will not be moving but wish to donate we suggest you visit this web site for place to donate to:
Do not wait to the last minute for this as this will require some coordination on both your and their parts.