RDI Properties Apartment and Home Rentals in Downtown Champaign, Illinois
The Hickory

Eco-conscious One and

Two Bedroom

Apartments In Downtown Champaign

Markstahler Properties

One to Three Bedrooms in the Sesquicentennial Neighborhood Adjacent and just west of Downtown Champaign

With detailed information

Photos and Additional Information about For-Lease Properties

Thank you for your interest. Currently we are fully leased. Our next anticipate vacancy is June 2025.

HICKORY STREET APARTMENTS - 513 N Hickory Downtown Champaign

While no two apartments have the same floorplan, they all have similar amenities:

  • open floorplans
  • loft stylings
  • high ceilings
  • full-sized washer/dryer
  • large windows
  • secured building
  • quiet
  • high energy efficiency
Hickory First Floor Plan - Champaign, JL - RDI Properties
Hickory Second Floor Plan - Champaign, JL - RDI Properties

Apartments currently be offered for touring for a lease:

Availability FOR AUGUST 1, 2025  –

All apartments have one full bath.

Apartment #  bedrooms           sq. ft. rent
201 Two 1,139 $1,580.00
203 Two 1,153 $1,596.00
205 Two 1,171 $1,598.00

Renewal Development incorporated

RDI – properties 

offering apartments, flats, lofts, homes and retail and office space in the micro-urban culture of the downtown Champaign area since 1991

featured in Multi-Family Housing News, Central Illinois Business Magazine, the News-Gazette, WILL television, recipient of over a dozen Preservation and Conservation Association Awards

mailing address P.O. Box 587   Champaign, Illinois 61824 - 0587

voice - 217 . 352 . 3498   fax - 217 . 352 . 5907 

visit our web page – rdi.properties

For all properties below – rent includes washer and dryer, central air, lawn mowing, and weekly curbside trash pickup

Single family homes and flats apt # rent S.F. # bdrms # bthrms
306 W Vine $1,342 1,010 2 1

Watch here for Homes and Flats coming available:

To schedule a tour please email: johnrdiproperties@gmail.com

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