RDI Properties Apartment and Home Rentals in Downtown Champaign, Illinois
The Hickory

Eco-conscious One and

Two Bedroom

Apartments In Downtown Champaign

Markstahler Properties

One to Three Bedrooms in the Sesquicentennial Neighborhood Adjacent and just west of Downtown Champaign

With detailed information

The Hickory

The Hickory - 513 N. Hickory, Champaign, IL

For more information or to lease an apartment, call us at 217-352-3498 or email at rdinetmichael@gmail.com

Downtown Champaign at your doorstep. The Hickory Street Apartments offers eighteen upscale, green, energy efficient apartments: eleven two bed-rooms on the first floor and three two-bedrooms and four one-bedrooms on the first floor. 

Also on the first floor are three retail spaces with entrances on Washington Street. 

With shops and night life just outside your door, you can now live and work in the vibrant energy of downtown. 

Apartments — South Elevation in Champaign, JL

A Green Building

Today every developer faces a personal moral choice to build green or not. Budget constraints often are an encouragement for a developer to cut corners. 

With global warming affecting energy bills, we chose to embrace green construction. The Hickory was built in 1914. We purchased it in 2007. We decided to not demolish it and build a high rise but rather renovate the existing structure. We saved the exterior 12 inch thick masonry super structure and built a new energy efficient building inside of it.

It’s the Small Things That Matter

The Hickory is a large, 27,422 square feet mixed use building. It is home to our residents as well as the place of business to our first floor commercial tenants. We take seriously our responsibility to offer a quality, quiet, well serviced and energy efficient building.

Apartment — Two Storey Building in Champaign, JL

Related Pages

513 N Hickory St 1st/2ns flrs 505 N Hickory apts 110 & 111


Further Information

All items in red in the lease are generic, details specific to an individual lease, will be placed here.

View Rentals In Map

  • On the bottom of the floor joist between the first and second floors is a continuous layer of 5/8” soundproof drywall hung on special sound isolation channels to further reduce the transmission of sound. Additionally the sound channel is spaced down from the underside of the floor joist with sound isolation blocks. 
  • Installed upon the original second floor decking is Homosote 440 sound barrier. This helps to control the lower base sounds. All of the second floor is built upon and above this sound barrier. Additionally, under the finish flooring is a layer of sound deadening cork to help control higher sharp sounds.
  • The roof is insulated with an R value of 40.
  • All window glazing is new. The apartment windows are custom made Energy Star rated and the first floor storefronts are all low E insultated glazing.
  • Walls facing the street are 12” thick masonry with an interior wall built inside of it. In the first floor apartments the walls average an R value of 60 and in the retail of R 40.
  • Walls between the apartments are actually two separate 2 x 4 walls with a 12 “ gap between them which is filled with blown-in cellulose insulation further there is a continuous layer of Homosote 440 sound barrier in the center between the two walls.These walls extend all the way to the underside of the roof on the second floor. On the first floor all the walls are spaced down from the soundproof drywall ceilings with sound isolation blocks. Only the wall drywall extends up within a ¼” of the ceiling. This last ¼” is caulked with soundproof sealant. All of this detailed extra work was done to reduce noise transfer between apartments.
  • Walls between the apartments and the common hallways are 2 x 6 walls filled with blown-in cellulose insulation.


Private Lot Reserved Parking

Directly west of RDI Properties Office on Neil Street is our private reserved surface lot which provides free parking for our tenants.

Hickory Street Residential Permits

These spaces are leased by the city of Champaign and are located on the 500 block of Hickory Street (between Washington Street and Columbia Avenue) in Downtown Champaign). All Hickory Street Residential Permitsare reserved for the permit holder 24/7.

  • Available only to residents of Downtown Champaign.
  • Proof of residency required upon purchase (for example: copy of residential lease agreement, property tax bill or utility bill).
  • These permits are not available for business owners in the Downtown district.


Permits are sold in pro-rated 6-month or 1-year terms.

You can find more information about the City of Champaign rental parking programs at:


Scroll down towards the bottom and you will see specifically:




OUR LEASES run for 12 months from August of one year thru the July of the following year.

From time to time we have tenants who move early opening an apartment for lease mid-year.

Sorry, no short-term leases

TO SCHEDULE A TOUR PLEASE EMAIL John Lindell on our staff at johnrdiproperties@gmail.com

We offer free WIFI, Free Parking, Washer & dryer in each unit, various floor plans

The Hickory Street Apartments

513 N Hickory Street Champaign

Availability FOR AUGUST 1, 2025 –


All apartments have one full bath.

Available Apartment bedrooms sq. ft. rent
201 Two 1,139 $1,580.00
203 Two 1,153 $1,596.00
205 Two 1,171 $1,598.00

For more information and to schedule a tour please email:   


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